19 Pinterest Cake Fails That Are Just Begging To Be Laughed At

    These are so bad, they're good.

    Recently we asked the BuzzFeed Community to show off their most hilarious cake fails. Here are some of the best creations.

    1. This nightmare-inducing Easter bunny:

    2. This demonic creation that belongs at the bottom of a fiery pit:

    3. This unicorn that looks more like a creature from the deep sea:

    4. And this one that looks a little worse for wear:

    5. This mess of a hedgehog cake:

    6. This depressed reindeer that looks like it's been through some shit:

    7. This Elsa recreation that missed the mark:

    8. This Cookie Monster who has seen better days:

    9. This googly-eyed giraffe:

    10. This incomplete Rainbow Dash:

    11. This confused looking turkey:

    12. This melting catastrophe that is supposed to resemble a cat:

    13. This, er, colourful Darth Vader:

    14. This poor excuse for a rainbow cake:

    15. This Eye of Sauron disaster that ended up looking like something else entirely:

    16. This Barney cake that looks more terrifying than happy:

    17. This extremely thicc interpretation of Ducky from The Land Before Time:

    18. This deflated penguin:

    19. And finally, this Dolly Parton cake that deserves an award in baking fails:

    Note: Not all submissions are from BuzzFeed Community users.

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