17 Filipinos That'll Make You Dread Valentine's Day Even More

    Eughhhh, couples. Blerghhh, love.

    1. This thoughtful person who makes sure never to neglect important milestones:

    2. This person who tried, so hard:

    3. This essay writing champion:

    4. And this one who clearly doesn't mind the word count as long as it's for somebody he loves:

    5. And this one that's so sweet, it may attract certain insects:

    6. This brilliant revenge post that's obviously done out of love:

    7. And this glorious letdown:

    8. This dude who makes the dating game SO. FREAKING. HARD.

    9. This embodiment of unrequited love:

    10. This lady who's worried she might come off as the ~clingy type~ and is basically all of us:

    11. This handmade apology:

    12. This eye-movement deviant.

    13. Whoever came up with this pun:

    14. Whatever the hell happened that led to this sad situation:

    15. This one that'll melt your heart in a different way:

    16. This person who probably used the wrong hashtag:

    17. And this person who is a master of the pen and also of playing with one's feelings: