24 Photos That Show The Difference Between Dating In The US And Dating In The Philippines

    TFW when imperialism hasn't slid into your DMs yet.

    1. Using Tinder in the US:

    Using Tinder in the Philippines:

    2. How American couples text:

    How Filipino couples text:

    3. Sexting in the US:

    Sexting in the Philippines:

    4. How Americans flirt:

    How Filipinos flirt:

    5. How Americans attract potential dates:

    How Filipinos attract potential dates:

    Facebook: generalmari


    6. Couples gift-giving in the US:

    Couples gift-giving in the Philippines:

    7. What jealousy does to American couples:

    What jealousy does to Filipino couples:

    8. American couples doing things together:

    Filipino couples doing things together:

    9. How American couples argue:

    How Filipino couples argue:

    10. American couples celebrating milestones:

    Y’all... I have the sweetest, greatest, most loving boyfriend in the world. This is the best 3 Year Anniversary pre… https://t.co/BnMYZsfRaU

    Filipino couples celebrating milestones:

    11. And finally, American couples being extra:

    Filipino couples being extra: