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    20 Things From Amazon That Make Perfect Gifts

    Spooky season counts as the holiday season.

    1. A retro-inspired stainless-steel toaster for the sibling who always puts the word 'vintage' in front of whichever home goods product they're searching for. This toaster comes in a slew of colors, one of which'll inevitably go perfectly with their kitchen.

    the toaster in pink

    2. A set of faux velvet pumpkins, because everyone knows somebody who is so excited it's spooky season. Give this to the Halloween fan you know and love and they will be grateful for pretty much eternity.

    reviewer's photo of the pumpkins

    3. A set of can-style drinking glasses with matching glass straws if your boo NEEDS aesthetically pleasing drinkware to help reach their water goals for the day. No worries, tho — this works with coffee, tea, smoothies, and cocktails, too!

    4. A copy of Extraordinary Things to Cut Out and Collage that'll give your artiste buddy a new medium for expressing themselves. Curated by collage artist Maria Rivans, this book features hundreds of images that are perfect for cutting out and sticking into your giftee's bullet journal, notebooks, or, ya know, latest canvas piece they're working on.

    5. A set of six flower hair claws, because although the leaves are turning, that doesn't mean your flower-loving giftee has to wait until spring to be surrounded by blooms.

    6. An adjustable memory foam pillow with removable filling that your giftee can use to customize their pillow density, depending on whether they're a back, side, or stomach sleeper. Plus, hot sleepers can say goodbye to waking up with a head of damp hair, thanks to this pillow's cooling gel technology. Really, is there anything this pillow can't do?!

    a reviewer photo of a dog sleeping on the pillow

    7. An electric wine opener, because is there *anything* worse than hosting a beautiful dinner party, only to put on a show (while spilling the Beaujolais nouveau) for all your guests as you struggle with a traditional corkscrew? Your new-homeowner friend will thank you for saving them from future dinner party mishaps with this ultra-practical gift.

    8. A hair wax stick that's all the rage on TikTok for laying edges and holding down flyaways and baby hairs (with some people claiming it does a better job than gel). If you know anyone who loves any hairstyle that includes the word "slick" or "sleek," this will be welcomed in their hairstyling routine.

    9. A bed-shaped sponge holder, because if it were up to your spouse, every otherwise mundane household good would have a quirky upgrade. This sponge holder's fun design and white color makes it the perfect marriage between your minimalist-leaning interior design goals and their cutesy decor dreams.

    a reviewer's bed-shaped sponge holder

    10. A Luna controller for the gamer-pro in your life who is always collecting the latest gadgets. Luna is Amazon’s new cloud gaming service that uses Bluetooth connection to make playing on devices they already own (like a Windows PC, Mac, Fire TV, or select Samsung Smart TVs) within their realm of possibility. Plus, it's Alexa-capable — how neat is that?

    a reviewer's luna controller in the box

    11. A broad spectrum sunscreen, because even though there's less and less sunlight during the day, the sun doesn't stop shining its UV rays onto our skin! This sunscreen is a fan-favorite for those with sensitive or acne-prone skin, so add this to cart for the person you know who has skin sensitivities to practically everything.

    before and after a reviewer using this sunscreen

    12. A glass mushroom lamp for your stylish friend who thrives in a minimalist work environment. This will help them light up any dark corners in their WFH station while adding a fun design that's subtle enough for their tasteful decor palette.

    13. Or an LED shell lamp if your friend is both a decor maximalist *and* nostalgic at heart. Why not help your bestie (who can't stop singing "Part of Your World" at karaoke night) add some personalized style to their room?

    14. A wrap top that is perfect for your fashionable sibling's newfound style — the ~balletcore~ aesthetic — while still keeping them warm in the blaring AC at work!

    reviewer wearing the top in pink with blue jeans

    15. An Echo Show 5 smart device with Alexa integration, because it's perfect if your bestie is having a rough time juggling work and home responsibilities and needs a personal assistant, stat. This Echo Show is an alarm clock, to-do list, photo album, and even streaming device all-in-one, thanks to its Alexa capabilities. This one device will serve all their needs, whether they need to know the weather, hop on a quick video call with their loved ones, or just chill out with some TV or podcasts at the end of the day.

    the echo show 5 on a nightstand

    16. A spiffy three-stage silicone cup for the new parent you know who is also super into minimalism, and would love to not have their carefully curated design scheme overloaded with Paw Patrol merch. This silicone cup will follow a toddler throughout their drinking-from-a-cup learning journey, transforming from a beginner sippy cup into a graduation-worthy classic! Plus, this just looks so cute, that I'm actually jealous of the toddlers who get to use these.

    17. A down duvet insert, because the best gift you can give to a person is luxury while they're sleeping. Heck, people spend about a third of their lives in bed, so why not splurge on this fluffy and cozy comforter for yourself, too?!

    the white duvet

    18. A clear floating wall shelf to put a smile on your organization-obsessed sibling's face. Whether they're used to storing beauty products, spices, or collectibles, they'll be proud to use these to neatly display all their favorite items!

    a reviewer's floating shelf

    19. A TikTok-viral COSRX snail mucin essence for your mom who has a ✨lit from within glow✨ at the top of their skincare goals. This product uses snail mucin to hydrate the deeper layers of the skin and add a plump, mirror-like dew all throughout.

    before and after photos of a reviewer using this product

    20. And a drone to help your up-and-coming photographer and/or videographer pal take their work to the next level (or a higher elevation, ha... ha...). Now, this drone is an investment, but it shoots in professional-level 4K and has a smart "return home" feature to ensure that they'll never lose their gift while shooting. If only every toy I ever played with at the beach as a child had a return home feature...

    Looking for the perfect gift for any occasion? Check out all of BuzzFeed’s gift guides!

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