Composting Is So Easy With This DIY

    Even you can do it.

    How To Compost At Home


    1 plastic bin with a lid (at least 1 cubic foot)

    1 plastic tub/tray (shorter and wider than the one above)

    Shredded newspaper (can’t be shiny)

    3 cups soil

    Water in a spray bottle

    1 pound red wiggler worms

    1 large sealable container

    Power drill

    ⅛-inch drill bit

    Activated carbon (optional)


    1. Drill 12 air holes into the lid of the plastic bin, 3 near each corner of the lid.

    2. Drill 6 more air holes into each side of the of the plastic bin, near the top of the bin.

    3. Drill 6 holes for drainage near the bottom edges of the bin, on the front and back.

    4. Fill the tub with shredded newspaper and dampen it with the spray bottle. The newspaper should be approximately 3 inches deep.

    5. Add the soil to the newspaper bedding. Ensure that the soil doesn’t contain harmful chemicals.

    6. Put the shorter tub/tray under the bin, it will hold the excess liquid or “worm tea” that exits the bin through the drainage holes. This liquid can be be used for the plants in your garden.

    7. Add the worms to the bin and close the lid.

    8. Collect food scraps in a sealable container, such as a jar or tupperware. Feed the worms once a week, 3.5 lbs of food per lb of worms. Cut any scraps into smaller pieces. Below is a list of items that can and can’t go in the compost bin.

    9. Cover the food scraps with soil to avoid attracting flies.

    10. Optional: Tape a packet of activated carbon near the top of the bin to reduce any odor that may emanate from the bin.

    11. You may start harvesting your compost in as early as a month, just make sure to pull the worms out before adding it to your garden.

    12. Refer to the EPA website for further details on the proper maintenance of your compost bin:


    Can Use:



    -Coffee grounds

    -Tea leaves

    -Dried flowers

    -Household plants


    Can’t Use:


    -Dairy Products

    -Spicy foods

    -Salty foods

    -Oily Foods

    -Large amounts of citrus

    -Toxic ingredients

    View this video on YouTube

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