37 Reasons To Steer Clear Of Dumfries And Galloway

    More like Dumfries and no way.

    1. Looking for a holiday destination? Don't even consider Dumfries and Galloway.

    2. Honestly, it's nothing special.

    3. There are almost no decent sea views.

    4. In fact, most of the views are horrifying, tbh.

    5. I mean, just look at it.

    6. There's absolutely nothing of historic interest here.

    7. Nothing at all.

    8. If anything, there are probably too many castles.

    9. YUCK.

    10. Get out of my face, you stone monstrosity.

    11. If only there were some links to famous Scots, it might be OK.

    12. Sadly, no one famous comes from Dumfries and Galloway.

    13. The towns are visually offensive.

    14. Just revolting.

    15. You'll struggle to find somewhere decent to eat.

    16. I mean, who's even interested in award-winning fish-and-chip shops?

    17. And towns that are famed for their sweet produce.

    18. You'll struggle to find well crafted, locally made beverages.

    19. There's absolutely nothing to do here either.

    20. Nothing at all.

    21. Seriously, if you're looking for excitement, you should head elsewhere.

    22. I mean, yawn.

    23. Culture is practically non-existent.

    24. As is the selection of wildlife that you might be able to spot.

    25. And there's absolutely nothing educational here either.

    26. It's just so boring.

    27. There's no chance of seeing exotic plants in the region.

    28. And no peace and quiet either; it's so densely populated.

    29. There are people EVERYWHERE.

    30. Being able to see the aurora sucks.

    31. But it's OK, because you can barely see the night sky at all.

    32. If sport's your thing, you're out of luck.

    33. Especially mountain biking. There's nothing for you here.

    34. It's truly baffling that anyone would want to come on holiday here.

    35. Because it really is gross.

    36. There's absolutely no way you'd want to be roped into visiting.

    37. In short, you should never, ever come here.