A Pastry Chef Reviewed 5 Cakes From A Box Mix And Kept It All Too Real

    Think outside the box.

    Cake is cake is cake. I mean, there's really no such thing as bad cake, is there?

    Watch a pastry chef review popular boxed cake mix!

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    And that's where Pastry Chef Zac Young came in, who's the pastry director at Craveable Hospitality Group.

    First up was a good old-fashioned Pillsbury Yellow Cake. He thought the texture was great and that it was moist. Like, impossibly moist.

    Next up was a Betty Crocker Spice Cake. Chef Zac thought the taste was really good, not too strong, with just a hint of nutmeg.

    Then there was a Duncan Hines Red Velvet cake, which he thought kind of felt like a loofah. Ha!

    And there had to be some chocolate. He tried the Cissé Chocolate Cake up next, which he thought tasted like cheap Halloween candy (which he kinda liked).

    Last (and perhaps least), was the Foodstirs Organic Simply Sweet Vanilla Cake. He thought it was dense, it didn't have webbing, and it didn't look spongey.

    His parting words: "If you can mess up making a box cake mix, it's not you — it's the cake mix."