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    34 Products That Will Organize The Chaotic Mess That Is Your Kitchen

    Nothing says "I have my life together" quite like a clear jar full of dry pasta in your pantry.

    1. A K-Cup drawer so you can throw out all those bulky boxes they come in and hide them right under your Keurig machine.

    2. A roll-out organizer to place under your sink so you don't have to rifle through it, trying to find your replacement sponge in the abyss that is the cabinet under the sink.

    The white pull out organizer under a sink

    3. A pot organizer because is there anything worse than the sound of pots and pans clanking while you try to find the one you need for dinner? OK, maybe there is, but this is on the top of *my* list.

    Reviewer photo of the organizer in a cabinet

    4. Or an expandable organizer to make reaching for lids and pans at the back of the cabinet so much easier.

    5. A super-cute fruit hammock to hang neatly just above the counter; it's bound to be a conversation piece to any guest who enters the kitchen.

    The white macrame fruit hammock hanging under a cabinet

    6. A two-tiered spice rack so you can see every spice you own, preventing that panicked search when your food is cooking and you absolutely *must* add a dash of garlic powder at the five minute mark.

    The spice rack in a reviewer's cabinet

    7. Or a spice stand that comes with clear bottles to keep everything organized and uniform. Bonus points if you add labels so you don't accidentally grab cayenne pepper instead of chili powder.

    The spice stand with 12 glass bottles filled with spices

    8. Or! A set of spice-gripper clips for the smallest of kitchens when you absolutely need to take advantage of every inch of space you own.

    Sets of spice-gripper clips hanging on the inside of a cabinet door

    9. A tiered shelf with three levels to make use of the overhead space in your spice cabinet, preventing overflow or anything toppling over every time you open the door.

    Various bottles and spices placed on three-tiered stand

    10. A three-tier hanging basket that'll display your fruits and veggies in utter ~style~, keeping your counters clean and free of clutter.

    The three tiered basket with lemons, limes, and other knick knacks inside

    11. A nifty shelving unit made specifically for your ever-growing collection of water bottles you can't seem to stop buying. I honestly thought it was just me who had no self-control when it comes to buying water bottles. I feel seen.

    Reviewer photo of the three tier shelf holding their water bottle collection

    12. A yogurt holder that'll let you use that empty space above your shelves, giving you even *more* space to organize the rest of your food.

    The white organizer installed on the side of the fridge wall on the inside with four yogurt cups on it

    13. A soda dispenser that'll make it feel like your fridge is a tiny convenience store, constantly stocked with all of your favorite fizzies.

    Reviewer photo of two soda dispensers in a fridge

    14. A sliding shelf that'll make your pantry items easily accessible so you can actually eat your food before it expires and falls into the endless abyss that is your dark pantry space.

    15. A corner shelf so you can use that awkward unused space in your cabinets *and* let you easily grab smaller or bigger plates without having to lift the entire stack every time.

    Dishes and cups placed on corner shelf in cabinet

    16. A stackable egg tray because you spent so much time picking those fresh eggs from your local farmer, why wouldn't you want to display the lil cuties? Plus, it keeps them perfectly organized *and* aesthetically pleasing.

    The egg tray stacked on top of another one with eggs on it

    17. A two-tiered turntable for an easy peasy display of your spices, extracts, and fun seasonings. Bonus points if you go "wheee!" every time you spin it.

    18. A can-dispensing rack that will add some much-needed order to the seemingly never-ending supply of canned beans you keep buying when you go to the store because you're ~convinced~ you don't have enough for the week. Spoiler alert: You always do.

    Cans placed in dispenser rack inside cabinet

    19. A glass jar set so you can easily see what you have in your pantry, but make it ~aesthetic~. Lucky Charms has never looked so good.

    The four jars with various food inside them

    20. Or a plastic set if you prefer more for less $$$ because your pantry is overflowing and desperately needs it.

    Reviewer photo of the plastic set full of various amounts of pantry foods

    21. A set of labels so you actually know what's *inside* your new jars you bought to organize the kitchen.

    Set of labels placed on clear containers

    22. An over-the-cabinet storage shelf so you can finally have the perfect place to store your plastic wraps, cutting boards, and anything that's awkwardly shaped.

    Reviewer photo of the organizer in their cabinet holding plastic wrap boxes

    23. A K-Cup organizer that'll allow you to store your precious pods of angry bean powder underneath your cabinets (ideally right above your coffee machine!) and make more room for snacks.

    24. A game-changing pan and pot lid organizer, because reaching for your go-to frying pan shouldn't feel like you're playing the world's worst game of Jenga.

    25. An expandable shelf that'll make it oh so easy to stack all your mugs, bowls, and plates. The shelf itself is actually stackable, so you can buy a few and create extra space if your cabinets have the height!

    Reviewer before and after photo of the dishes and plates organized with the shelves

    26. A mug rack so you can create the most perfectly organized, *Pinterestworthy* coffee station that will actually make you want to make coffee at home for once.

    A black mug rack above a buffet table

    27. A sliding drawer that'll glide right out so you can effortlessly see everything you organized inside them.

    Sliding drawer placed in cabinet with various pots and pans inside

    28. A 12-piece set of nesting food storage containers with nifty stackable lids to triple the space in the dreaded Tupperware drawer. AKA the bane of my kitchen's existence.

    29. Or a food container lid organizer for your current containers so you can *actually* find the matching lid to your Tupperware without having to try different ones until you find the right one ~à la Cinderella~.

    Before and after image of reviewer's messy drawer full of lids now completely organized

    30. A handcrafted organizer to give you the ideal place to store the lids to all of your tumblers instead of stacking them, creating a very unstable pile that is surely going to topple over soon.

    31. Plastic stackable food storage bins so you can organize your pantry while 1) being able to see everything you own, and 2) taking advantage of vertical storage space when needed.

    32. An under-cabinet wineglass holder because while we all *love* our wineglasses, they always take up SO much space. With this bad boy, you can keep them stored above while also looking like a neat piece of decor.

    Metal wire frame holding upside wine glasses

    33. A tea bag organizer so you can get rid of all those bulky boxes that hold your tea, while *also* displaying them in a neat and orderly way.

    34. And finally, a wooden organizer that also doubles as a dispenser for plastic wrap, wax paper, and aluminum foil, all of whose boxes always seem to *never* fit easily in any drawer or cabinet I own.

    How your kitchen is going to feel after you organize every nook and cranny of it:

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