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    Tips For Learning A Foreign Language That Actually Work

    Conjugate the verb

    So, you're learning a language. It's hard to know where to start, because learning a language takes a combination of everything on this list. You can never know too much!

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    Bring Your Language Everywhere

    Begin With Vocab, and Then Actually Follow Grammar

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    Yes, grammar is no fun. It may bring you back to the agonizing days of elementary school. I am. We are.

    But it may be the single most important thing actually applying a language. I am. We are.

    Talk About Everything, Everywhere

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    Keep trying

    If you've learned a language before, you know that it's possible to hit a rut, where it's awful and terrible and there's no reason to keep going. Don't listen to that, and just keep moving. Find support, find something that's keeps you going. Bonne chance!