25 Ways To Wear Your Favourite Books, Movies, And Shows In Henna

    *buys ten mehndi cones*

    1. Camouflage some sick Deathly Hallows goodness in your traditional mehndi.

    2. Or add a small accent of HP to your design.

    3. Do a quick symbol which you can refresh every week.

    4. Or embrace your dark side with a spooky Death Eater.


    5. Mix up different things to show off your Pottermania.

    6. If you have better control of the cone, try this twist.

    7. And if you're not about plain symbols, draw a snitch.


    8. If you're a Game of Thrones fan, there's something for you too.

    You know you have the best boyfriend when he lets you henna the Stark direwolf on his back. #GameOfThrones @HBO

    9. Wear your Whovianism on your sleeve.


    11. If you have the time and dedication, try this kickass Dalek tattoo.


    13. Stencil out a Vaporeon.

    Vaporeon Henna tattoo on my upper thigh. My favourite Pokemon! #henna #tattoo #mehndi #pok… http://t.co/ObRbslRrqV

    14. Or a Bulbasaur.

    I picked my starter Pokémon thanks to Joseph the Filo Rasta! #pokemon #henna #hennatattoo … http://t.co/FDvFFTzwda

    15. Here's a gorgeous Insurgent tattoo.

    16. And even a mehndi Mocking Jay.

    17. Try this simple Batmehndi. (sorry)

    18. Serve up some faulty star stuff.

    It's been a few days but I just had to... @realjohngreen @AnselElgort @shailenewoodley #HennaTattoo #TFIOS

    19. Or some Star Wars with this intricate Stormtrooper.


    20. This Little Mermaid silhouette is simple but beautiful.

    Basically I should just drop out of college and go do henna in disney..

    21. Live out your love for classic Disney with this.

    22. Henna Timon on your arm and Hakuna Matata at everyone.

    23. Share Lilo and Stitch tattoos with a BFF.

    24. Keep it cute with My Little Pony.


    25. Or badass with Wonderwoman.


    Enjoy your henna, ya geeks!