13 Reasons We All Need To Acknowledge That Kerala Is Killin’ It Right Now

    Winning too hard.

    1. It just became the first Indian state to achieve 100% primary education.

    2. The population growth rate has been the lowest among all Indian states over the last decade.

    3. And the life expectancy is the highest.

    4. It was declared the world's first "Baby-friendly state" by WHO and UNICEF for its efforts to encourage and support breastfeeding.

    5. In November 2015, the Kerala government became the country's first state to announce a transgender policy.

    6. And recently announced setting up an actual separate court of justice for its transgender community.

    7. Last year, Kerala set a record for reduced alcohol consumption.

    8. The highest daily wage earners in non-public, urban jobs are women.

    9. It was declared a "complete digital state" last year.

    10. Couples wanting to adopt children exceed the number of children in adoption centres in the state.

    11. And even though the female-to-male sex ratio is the highest in India...

    12. Contrary to India’s age-old bias toward sons, most adopting couples in Kerala seek girl children.

    13. And, of course, it remains the one of the most beautiful tourist attractions in the world.

    Keep winning, Kerala!