13 Reasons Anushka Sharma Is As BFF Material As It Gets

    The teller of the greatest chicken-crosses-the-road jokes ever.

    It is common knowledge that Anushka Sharma is an amazing human being and totally fab.

    But did you ever think of what a kickass BFF she would make?

    1. She's freaking hilarious: Exhibit A.

    2. And she really, really understands how magical female friendships are.

    3. She's a reeeeally firm believer in a sisterhood system, and is an activist for gender equality.

    4. Being BFFs with her means being BFFs with this Dude (her dog's name is literally Dude and she floods her social media with him).

    5. She'd make the perfect feminist rant partner.

    6. Adulting is optional for her, like it is for you.

    7. Who wouldn't want the BFF privilege of digging into this closet?

    8. All that training has made her a freaking warrior, so your protection would be guaranteed.

    9. But hey don't feel too intimidated by her skills, because she's probably more off-key than you are as a singer.

    10. And as much of a weirdo too.

    11. She's an inspiration who's risen to the top after years of hard work. 🙌

    12. But manages to stay humble AF, so she's just like us ~ordinary girls~.

    13. And her contagious positivity has the power to make anyone's day.