Watch India's LGBT Community Answer All Your Silly Questions About Being Gay

    We'll have a gay old tiiiime... ♫

    On November 30, India had its biggest gay pride parade ever in New Delhi. Needless to say, it was full of awesome.

    How could it not be with people like this?

    The cool folks from Indian youth entertainment YouTube channel SORTEDD were there to ask some important questions...

    The answers were perfect.

    "We headed to the Gay Pride Parade in Delhi with a list of very silly and ignorant questions people have ever asked gay people," SORTEDD founder Jaisal Rathee told BuzzFeed in an email.

    "We asked the LGBT community of Delhi to answer some of these questions. The idea is to point out the ignorance of most people when it comes to the LGBT community, and make people want to learn more about our brothers and sisters, and treat them equally, and with the respect they deserve," he further explained in the email.

    The demonstrators at the parade leaked their super secret recipe to becoming gay.

    We found out how homosexuality is totes contagious, bro.

    Some answers were Baba Ramdev's unexpected nightmare.

    They were asked why they just don't become 'un-gay' and the response was perfect.

    Watch the full video here and EDUMACATE YOSELF.

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