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Here Is How Muslim Vegans Got Through Ramadan

Muslims on social media have been connecting via #VeganRamadan.

Meet Halima Hassan, a 21-year-old student from Columbus, Ohio, who said she's behind #VeganRamadan.

I'm the black Muslim hijabi behind #VeganRamadan always advocating for a healthier lifestyle #blackhijabichallenge… https://t.co/0uoVvotZ2m

Though the hashtag was first used in 2012, it didn't become popular until this Ramadan.

As it's Hassan's first vegan Ramadan, she documented her meals on social media, which has since drawn more attention to #VeganRamadan.

Hassan told BuzzFeed News she first tried being vegan around two years ago but it only lasted for six months.

She said she had to adjust and change the way she ate and try to eat healthier.

Hassan said she found being vegan to be more energising. "I wanted to be vegan because I ate plant-based [food] but I felt like it wasn't enough because I felt fatigue still.

"But going completely vegan gave me more energy and the drive to be productive throughout my day."

She has been sharing all her iftars and suhoors to social media – her favourite foods have been taco and pasta dishes.

And on that same hashtag, Farah Mujawar found a Muslim vegan community.

Like Hassan, Mujawar found she had more energy when fasting.

Nadia Javed, from London, is a singer and guitarist for the Tuts, and she has been vegan for three years now.

She said she has been having more vegan treats than ever before.