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    22 Absolutely Adorable Toys Your Pupper Needs ASAP

    Your dog deserves the best and you know it.

    We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a small share of sales from the links on this page.

    1. A taco chew toy your dog will love to nibble on when he's bored... because why would he want to ruin your furniture when there's a toy right there?

    2. An ironic poop plush toy to remind your dog not to poo in the wrong place (not that they listen anyway).

    3. This cute mice-n-cheese plush. Maybe your dog will finally admit she cut the cheese.

    4. A charming hot dog bed your actual dog can't eat, but may want to lay in after a hard day's work (aka: waiting for you to get home).

    5. A pair of chewable binoculars for the dog who's always looking for his next adventure.

    6. The cutest bow-tie sundress for the girl who has it all. You'll love watching it blow elegantly in the wind.

    7. For the active pupper, a sweatsuit for intense workouts.

    8. A squeaky doughnut replica even Homer Simpson would enjoy. Pups love doughnuts as much as humans, so why not get them one?

    9. Gumby. Even if no one else remembers him, your dog will while he's munching on it (instead of longingly staring at that burger you're eating).

    10. These super fashionable socks because your doggo shouldn't have to suffer the hot-ass summer concrete.

    11. This pretty, pink Paris dog bowl because a classy pupper just can't resist some fine dining. She's a lady, after all.

    12. A quirky-ass toast bed both your dog and cat will enjoy (and hopefully won't fight over).

    13. A squishy chipmunk chew—your dog is cousins with the mighty wolf, let her be ~one~ with nature.

    14. An adorable baseball cap plush your dog will be sure to appreciate! Baseball is America's favorite pastime. Pass on the tradition.

    15. A literal football head for your doggy to chew on. If chewing isn't their thing, maybe tug-o-war is!

    16. A squeaky toy to drive your best friend CRAZY... and when they're all tuckered out, they can cuddle it to death.

    17. The plushiest, dorkiest, Stimpy bed that's totally ready for your pupper to rest his weary bones on. Happy, happy, joy, joy!

    18. A little lambchop— because "Mary" in "Mary Had a Little Lamp" is obviously your dog and this lamb will go with her wherever she goes!

    19. A pleasant pig your doggo may ruin in a couple of chews... especially because it makes a delightful crunchy noise that'll drive your pup crazy. But that's just the way it goes with dogs and toys!

    20. A pair of tiny lace-ups. Your dog loves your shoes, so why shouldn't she try on a (couple of pairs) of her own? The strange walk after putting them on is totally worth the trouble, trust me.

    21. An adorably large duck big dogs can chew to high heaven and small dogs can take a peaceful nap with.

    22. Reptar bars. We all wanted to know how they tasted, and your dog will finally know the answer. Hopefully she'll tell you after she's finished. Spike would be proud.

    Shout out the realest dog of them all, Spike Pickles!