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    A Westeros Survival Guide.

    Westeros have always been a very dangerous place. Reading and sharing ways on how to survive have never been more vital.

    1. Weddings.

    A) Do not attend! Wedding used to be about two people in love wanting to share their love with family and friends and not a place for murder and assassinations. It is much safer to hear about the juicy gossip later.

    B) If you have to attend make sure it is a very small wedding. Make sure you wear appropriate clothes and keep some sort of item suitable for self defense on your person.

    C) If you have to get married, keep it small. No more than 10 guests are recommended. Keep it to parents, siblings and best friends. If anyone is on your payroll they can't be trusted with an invite

    2. Living

    A) Major cities such as King's Landing are not recommended. If you live here or anywhere where anyone from the Royal Family or high lords presides moving away is highly recommended.

    B) If you live within a days marsh from the Kings Road consider moving. Especially if you live close to KL or close to the Wall.

    C) Look up your possibilities to move to High Garden, Dorne or The Eire, considered by many to be safe places.

    3. The Wall.

    If you are eligible to join you should seriously consider the pros and cons of joining.

    Pro: You'll have breakfast, lunch and dinner served everyday.

    Pro: There will be experts available to teach in most areas. Builders, sword masters, archers, chefs and maesters to name a few.

    Pro: If you are into reading Castle Black have an amazing library.

    Con: Many living and working at the Wall are known felons.

    Con: There is very strict rules about what you can and can't do. Breaking them or refusing to follow orders might result in beheading.

    Con: Joining means you can't have a family of your own.

    Tip: Keep your head low. Don't volunteer to go behind the Wall.

    Tip: If you are female consider the Arya/Arry method.

    4. Family, Friends and Co-Workers.

    A) If you're not really close with your father and female, run away! Sometimes it is safer to leave your family than to become currency, a bargaining chip or hostage material in deals, weddings and wars.

    B) If you have to chose between your Blood Family and your Friend Family, don't make any impulsive decisions. Just because they're your biological family doesn't mean they have your best interest at heart.

    C) Beware of anyone with a nickname. King, Mad, Slayer, anyone with fingers or toes in their nick, insects or arachnids... Having a nickname in Westeros means your famous and while it means fans and supporters it also means enemies and fans arguing that their idol is the one true idol and all the other suck.

    5. Reading and Writing.

    Learn how to read and read everything you can get your hands on.

    Write down and share ways you've thought of in how to survive Westeros in the comments.