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13 Extreme Lengths That Filmmakers Have Gone To While Making Movies

Limits were meant to be pushed. From fires to extreme locations to mind-blowing scenery, there are many ways to push the boundaries when making a movie. And that's exactly what IBM did when it moved atoms to make the world's smallest movie.

1. Burning of old sets to create a real fire:

2. Eating nothing but McDonalds for thirty days:

3. Animating with atoms:

4. Rotating hallways:

5. Twenty-eight years of production:

6. Shooting from below:

7. Using an entire beach as your canvas:

8. Changing costumes eighty-five times:

9. Filming in Antarctica for thirteen months:

10. Diving 12 times to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean:

11. Dealing with freakish storms and back injuries:

12. Underwater motion capture:

13. Making the longest stop motion to date:

Inspired by the world's smallest stop motion movie:

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