Awful Fantasy Is Your New Favorite Twitter Parody Account

    "How Can I possibly defeat the Warlod? I'm just a super-ripped nobody."

    Awful Fantasy is described as, "Your best source for the worst Fantasy and Science Fiction writing. (By awful authors Justin Lucas and Mitchell Lucas)."

    "'I don't believe in destiny,' the destined hero said again. 'How can I possibly defeat the Warlord? I'm just a super-ripped nobody.'"

    This twitter parody account will have fantasy and non-fantasy fans laughing until they cry.

    "'So this is how it ends, huh Theo?' Curt sobbed. 'I never thought I'd live long enough to see myself die.'"

    "Samm was able to talk to wolves with his mind. He also could write them letters and post cards if he was too far away."

    "'The grass is always greener in the other dimension!' Chuk said. He was right. The grass is 130% more vibrant in Dimension 344-aB6."

    "The evil wizard chef trapped the heroes in a house made out of bread dough. Jellena readied her axe, 'We knead to get out of here.'"

    "The alien had what looked like a pair of human breasts for a face. 'Cross me, and you'll never see your family again,' he motorboated."

    "The dwarf was short and squat like a mushroom. A mushroom that screams when it's stepped on and tastes like meat when it's eaten."

    "The Elf smiled as wide as a wide canyon and his eyes were as black as a dark canyon. He bowed as deep as a canyon. "My name is Danyon."

    "The Steampunker landed on her airship deck. She was covered in gears and tubing and pistons. 90% of the stuff didn't do anything."

    "The Temple's only entrance was past the Altar of Pain. Harris didn't like that place because he is going to die there on page 455."