The Post-College Life: One Year Later

    When you've BEEN home since moving back after college graduation and it's already been a year.

    Realizing it’s your one year anniversary of moving back home

    Almost dreading to see friends because you know they will ask questions

    Like “What are you doing now?” or “Found anything yet?”

    Definitely dreading to see family members because you know they will ask questions

    Like “What are you doing now?” on top of the classic “Found someone yet?”

    And if you’ve been at a dead-end job for the sake of having a source of income in the mean time: “Oh.. you’re still working there?”

    And as the days continue on living at home, your family and friends begin to wonder if you really are trying. You start to hear the "Get your shit together" speech from multiple people and you feel like maybe you really are hopeless.

    Except you know that deep down they're just worried about you and you honestly do know that you are trying your best to improve your life.

    You don't get many bites, but you still try your best at the interviews you can get

    So regardless if some of your friends have more stable jobs or are already in grad school before you, you know you will get there too but at your own pace. And that's fine.