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14 Things Your Parents Are Always Willing To Give To You For Free

"What gives?" More like, "What GIFTS?!" Next time you go home, return the favor by letting your parents know you've already finished your taxes with H&R Block.

1. Dating advice.

2. Pantry food that's been there for decades.

3. Contrary nuggets of political perspective.

4. Reminders about who is in charge.

5. Access to the washer and dryer.

6. Anything made out of wicker.

A tisket? A tasket? Two dozen little baskets?

7. Tupperware to "take with you."

8. Oversized shirts thought to be hilarious.

9. Newspaper clippings about your high school.

10. Chain emails for anyone with an email address.

11. Stories about your own life (with all the specifics completely wrong).

12. Free gifts they received with purchase.

13. An update on all your distant relatives' ailing health.

14. All their half-used gift cards.

Make your parents proud by figuring out your taxes all on your own. It's FREE when you use H&R Block.