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    Occupy Congress

    Heading off the Occupy Congress march on January 17, 2012, singer/songwriter Joe Nolan sang his anthem "Occupy Song" on the East Lawn of the U.S. Capitol. In this film, Joe's music accompanies the march up Capitol Hill, ending at the Supreme Court. From there, the film takes a vérité style U-turn as it follows the march down Pennsylvania Avenue, ending at the White House.

    Occupy Congress

    As the companion piece to a combination of Zucotti Park Zoo: Being There and its musical sibling Payroll | Occupy that I filmed in New York City last October, this film visualizes the Occupy movement against a backdrop of democratic iconography - there are weirdly beautiful moments in this film. I never expected, after moving here over ten years ago, that it would take so long to see anything of this revolutionary magnitude. The debate over Occupy's message, its means, and its virtue is to me distinct from its extraordinary visual wealth.

    Music and lyrics by Joe Nolan |

    Filmed and edited by H. Paul Moon | Zen Violence Films |