29 "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" Moments That Are Funnier Than They Have Any Right To Be

    According to Colin Mochrie, Arctic terns say, "Backstreet Boys!"

    1. When Ryan decided to say a little riddle.

    Stiles says, "What kind of bird says the name of our next band," Mochrie says, "I guess, a tern, an Arctic tern," Stiles asks, "What sound does an Arctic tern make," Mochrie says in a bird voice, "Backstreet Boys," and Stiles laughs

    2. When Colin proved he should never work on Jeopardy.

    Carey says, "Rejected 'Jeopardy' categories," and Mochrie says, "I'll take animal genitalia audio clues"

    3. When Ryan used another definition of "boxer."

    Ryan's task is to be "The rise and fall of a 1940s boxer," and he's a dog and mimes peeing

    4. When Wayne created the best bulletin board post of all time.

    Carey says, "Posts you'll never see on a church bulletin board," and Brady says, "He has come and gone, aww"

    5. When Colin made this great dumb joke.

    Mochrie says, "Welcome to the six o'clock news, I'm your anchor, Glenn Close-But-No-Cigar"

    6. When Wayne and Colin dealt with this prop.

    They're both holding props that could look like fire, Brady says, "Ah, the passing of the Olympic torch," then they see each other's fire and go, "What the," but Mochrie rests his prop on his head, realizes it, and then pretends his head's caught fire

    7. When Colin broke into song.

    Carey says, "Professions where breaking into song is discouraged," and Mochrie puts his hands up in front of him perpendicular to the ground and sings, "I'm a mime"

    8. When they were playing the game where they had to say song titles, and Colin did not succeed.

    Stiles says, "Oh, blue suede shoes," and Mochrie says, "Nice pants," and the two of them laugh and Mochrie moves to exit the scene

    9. Also, this time.

    Mochrie says, "Theme from Titanic"

    10. Speaking of the Titanic theme song and Colin Mochrie, we have this gem as well.

    Carey says, "Rejected theme songs from the movie 'Titanic,''' and Mochrie cheerfully sings, "Corpses bobbing in the sea"

    11. When Wayne dissed Drew flawlessly.

    Carey says, "People you wish would just shut up," and Brady says, "People you wish would just shut up"

    12. When Wayne crushed the pole vault in a game of Props.

    Holding a long but flimsy prop, Wayne says, "Alright, here we go, pole vault, baby, got this one," and he puts it down and then falls

    13. When Ryan went to Hawaii.

    Carey says, "Strange welcome greetings on signs as you enter into different US states," and Stiles mimes driving and says, "Welcome to Hawaii. How'd you get here in a car"

    14. When Ryan attempted this segue.

    Stiles says, "I've got a bit of a bug, and I'm a little jittery, jittery bug, jittery bug, jitterbug," and Mochrie says, "Wow, nice segue"

    15. So Colin absolutely demolished him.

    Mochrie says, "You know, I remember once I went to a circus and I saw a strong man bend a car, bend a car, Pat Benatar," and Stiles laughs while Mochrie gives him an amused glare

    16. And then he did it again.

    Mochrie says, "When I was a jockey, in my bed, well it was more of a cot, we had this sort of sanitary paper for the fillies, wait a minute, bed cot filly paper, Red Hot Chili Peppers"

    17. When Wayne made a great tune.

    Aisha Tyler says, "Songs that celebrate divorce," and Brady sings, "What's that sound, it's the sound of you shutting the hell up"

    18. When Colin wanted to make some banana bread.

    Carey says, "Things you shouldn't do when confronted by a street gang," and Mochrie says, "Do you know how many eggs go in a really good banana bread recipe"

    19. When Wayne and Colin couldn't name a cause of death in Props.

    While standing near essentially a pole with a base, Mochrie says, "I don't know, but he died happy"

    20. When Ryan was the lounge singer of nightmares.

    Carey says, "Odd things for a lounge singer to sing about," and Stiles sings, "I passed a stone today"

    21. When Colin read a message.

    Carey says, "Personal messages you'd like to see flying from the back of an airplane," and Mochrie says, "If you can read this, you're driving too close"

    22. When Wayne, Drew, and Ryan were each supposed to sing one word at a time in song from a musical about shoes.

    Brady says, "A sh," Carey says, "Oe," Stiles, "Gesundheit," and Brady and Carey laugh

    23. One word at a time.

    Carey sings, "And take me on a," then says, "Or sorry, one word at a time," and everybody laughs

    24. Also, ideally, the song would make sense.

    Stiles says, "Can't," Brady says, "You," and Carey says, "What"

    25. I can't stress enough how much of a magical trainwreck this song is.

    Brady says, "Beau," Brady and Carey at the same time say, "Ti," and then all three laugh

    Here it is if you want to watch the full thing.

    View this video on YouTube

    Warner Bros. Television

    26. When Ryan knew exactly how to start a fight.

    Carey says, "Things to say that will always start a fight," and Stiles asks, "Guys wanna fight"

    27. When Colin nailed scenes from a hat like nobody's business.

    Carey says, "Things you can say to your dog, but not your girlfriend," and Mochrie says, "Come"

    28. When Wayne made a very confusing ad.

    Carey says, "Ads where the product and the style don't match," and Brady happily sings, "Do do do do do do, do do do do do...capital punishment"

    29. And finally, when Colin decided that this was what the fake audience was watching.

    Stiles says, "We don't know what you're watching, so we're not gonna tell you when we're gonna return you to it," Mochrie says, "We're watching animal porn," then laughs, then says, "Mary Had a Little Lamb will be right back," and everyone laughs a lot