17 Movie Scenes That Are So Good, People Think They're The Greatest Of All Time

    "All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."

    I don't know about you, but when I watch a movie scene I adore, it really stays with me. So I'm not surprised that Reddit user u/NuckinFuts_69 (oi oi) received some very, very good responses when they asked, "What's the greatest scene in film history?"

    Here are 17 of the best responses:

    1. "'No, I am your father' from The Empire Strikes Back."

    Darth Vader says, "No, I am your father" and Luke looks shocked and appalled

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    2. "Emma Thompson in Love, Actually when she goes to the bedroom on Christmas Eve and listens to Joni Mitchell’s Both Sides Now as her heart breaks."

    Karen from "Love, Actually" crying

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    Universal Pictures

    3. "The end of The Breakfast Club."

    Bender with his fist in the air at the end of "The Breakfast Club"

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    Universal Pictures

    4. "The church scene in Kingsman: The Secret Service."

    Harry Hart looking around at the damage in the church

    Here's the full scene*:

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    Twentieth Century Fox

    *Warning: It's very violent.

    5. "The brachiosaurus reveal in Jurassic Park. Regardless of dated effects...the score, the reactions, the sense of wonder. Perfect scene."

    Doctor Sattler and Doctor Grant looking in awe at a brachiosaurus

    Here's the full scene:

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    Universal Pictures

    6. "That scene in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse where Miles Morales jumps off that building and is 'rising to society.'"

    Miles Morales jumping off a building, and then it looks like he's flying up into a backwards city

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    Sony Pictures Entertainment

    7. "Clarice and Hannibal's first meeting in The Silence of the Lambs."

    Clarice holds out her ID for Hannibal to read, Hannibal says, "Closer," and Clarice gets closer

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    Orion Pictures

    8. "The three-way duel/standoff in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly."

    Close-ups of Tuco, Angel Eyes, and Blondie looking at each other

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    Produzioni Europee Associate

    9. "Roy Batty's death scene in Blade Runner."

    Roy Batty says, "All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain"

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    Warner Bros.

    10. "Flying past the moon in E.T."

    Elliott and E T riding a bike in the sky and in front of the moon

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    Universal Pictures

    11. "The Black Knight scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail."

    With his arm cut off and on the ground, the Black Knight says, "'Tis but a scratch," 	King Arthur says, "A scratch, your arm's off," and the Black Knight says, "No, it isn't"

    Here's the full scene:

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    Python (Monty) Pictures

    12. "In Fight Club where it's revealed that Tyler isn't real."

    The Narrator looks like he just realized something, Tyler says, "You got it," and the Narrator says, "No"

    Here's the full scene:

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    Fox 2000 Pictures

    13. "I really think the scene in Casablanca where they play the anthems, but you have to have context to understand why it was SO amazing. Without context it’s still a great scene, but when you know it was filmed in 1942, before they knew the outcome of the war, and that many of the extras had actually fled France during the occupation..."

    Crying woman singing, "Vive la France! Vive la démocratie!"

    Here's the full scene:

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    Warner Bros.

    14. "Billy Elliot. The final scene. When the father gasps looking at his son for the first time on the stage performing ballet. The expression says it all."

    Adult Billy leaps while performing onstage and his father gasps

    Here's the full scene:

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    15. "To me, the greatest scene in film history is the gas station scene in No Country for Old Men. I don't remember anything else about that movie, yet I will always remember this one scene."

    Anton Chigurh asks, "The most you ever lost on a coin toss?" and the store clerk says, "I don't know; I couldn't say"

    Here's the full scene:

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    Paramount Vantage

    16. "Shaun of the Dead — bashing a zombie to Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now.'"

    David from "Shaun of the Dead" accidentally turns on the lights outside the pub and the zombies are drawn to the light

    Here's the full scene:

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    Universal Pictures

    17. And finally, "When you see the Statue of Liberty in Planet of the Apes."

    George Taylor from "Planet of the Apes" says, "You blew it up, ah, damn you, god damn you all to hell," because he sees the Statue of Liberty on the beach

    Here's the full scene:

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    APJAC Productions

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.