

I am a widow who is learning new skills. I am learning about being a locksmith and doing handyman work. I also am a massage therapist. And I am raising two teenagers... I got one of the three off and married but still no grandbabies. I spent ten years in the Air Force and was stationed at Beale AFB, CA. I worked at Wal-Mart in Rocklin. I started as a cashier then became a CSM and the lead CSM. I then moved to become the department manager of Fabrics and Crafts. I was also a support manager. I was going to go into the management program but my husband became ill and I could not dedicate the time needed to do that. I am also a Minister in my church - The Church of Metaphysical Science. Let's see there is so much more that I do... I am involved with Progenesis International as the administrator and I also help with the production of motivational/inspirational/spiritual cds. I joined Eastern Star last year. It is a great organization that support many, many things - including the American Cancer Society. I am a breast cancer survivor. I was extremely lucky with the type I had - DCIS - and I underwent a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction and I did not have to do chemotherapy or radiation. Mine would not have been found if I didn't have my mammogram. And even when I knew where it was I did not feel it. So I encourage all women to get their mammograms done regularly!!!!!!

Jun 2010
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