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    Taking Summer Classes As Told By The Real Housewives Of New York

    Summertime sadness.

    So, you're taking summer classes at your school.

    You say your goodbyes to your friends who are leaving for the summer.

    Maybe you chose this path.

    Or maybe it's a graduation requirement.

    You think, "Well, maybe it won't be so bad?"

    Then, you find out scholarships don't apply to summer courses.

    Full tuition is HOW MUCH?

    So you have to live (and eat ) on a budget.

    If you're a freshman taking your first semester in the summer, you wander around campus in a semi-daze.

    If you're an upperclassman, seeing the new freshmen out and about might freak you out a little.

    When you see the syllabus for your class, you immediately feel overwhelmed.

    You think you've got it handled.

    This is inevitably you during your summer semester.

    You tell yourself you're going to wear cute summer outfits to class every day.

    You end up showing up to class in a t-shirt and Nike shorts.

    You lie to yourself and think that you're going to exercise way more now that you have more "free time".

    Then you realize how much you actually have to do everyday, especially if you have a job on top of your classes.

    Say goodbye to summertime sleeping in.

    Especially if one of your classes is at 8 a.m.

    The first day of classes arrives.

    First, you learn you have class every day.

    Then, your professor tells you that your first test is at the end of the week.

    Don't forget about the homework you have almost every night.

    Oh we have FIVE group projects?

    Also, attendance is probably mandatory.

    Not to mention, with less students on campus comes a more limited dating pool.

    However, themed nights out like White Trash Wednesdays make things a little more bearable.

    You may come to class hungover a time or two.

    You do study some, but try not to stress too much.

    Then you get the test.

    Listening to a class lecture is literally the last thing you want to be doing.

    If you zone out for even a few minutes, you suddenly are completely lost.

    You make up excuses why you didn't complete an assignment.

    If you're a senior, your parents probably keep reminding you to use this time to apply for post-graduation jobs.

    You wish you could just throw all of your cares away.

    You spend many nights contemplating every decision you have ever made.

    You want nothing more than for your mom to hold you and tell you that everything will be OK.

    Meanwhile, your friends are actually enjoying their summers at the beach.

    Or going on fun family trips.

    Your own family probably will do lots of fun things without you.

    Seeing all of your friends and family doing fun adventurous things is extremely upsetting.

    You get to the point where you simply don't care anymore.

    But wait! You remember there are still holidays in the summer.

    You decide to still get beach body ready.

    But then, reality.

    Suddenly, the end of the semester is upon you.

    Miraculously you end up passing all of your classes, and finally have the summer off.

    Now it's YOUR summer!