5 Traditions That Probably Constitute As Animal Abuse

    Sure, sometimes it's funny to drive a cat crazy with a laser pointer, or watch your dog run into a glass door. But these traditions do a little more than confuse animals, they traumatize, abuse and even murder.

    • 1. Dog-Spinning


      Dog-Spinning is a ritual performed in Bulgaria in which a dog is suspended above water on a rope. The dog is spun rapidly until the rope unwinds. Via care2

    • 2. Pigs of Gods

      Pigs of Gods

      Pigs of Gods festival is an annual celebration in Sanxia, Taiwan. During this tradition, pigs are fed a copious amount of food until they are no longer able to move. They are then weighed, slaughtered and displayed publicly. Via odditycentral

    • 3. Day of the Geese

      Day of the Geese

      Day of the Geese is a competition that takes place in Spain where participants attempt to decapitate geese which are suspended on a rope above the harbor. The winner gets to keep the goose as a prize. Germany has a similar tradition. Via odditycentral

    • 4. Rat-Baiting


      Rat-Baiting was a traditional blood sport in UK in the early to mid 1800's. During the competition rats were placed into a pit with a dog. The competing dog had to kill as many rats as it did weigh. The quickest time and number of rats determined the winner.Via Wikipedia

    • 5. Cat-Burning


      Cat-Burning was a form of entertainment in 17th Century Paris, France. People would gather dozens of cats hoist them into the air over a bonfire. You know, just for laughs.Via Wikipedia