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    ADAPTOYS: 'Everyone Deserves The Chance To Play'

    Innovative accessible toys that help people living with paralysis play with their children.


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    Innovative accessible toys that help people living with paralysis play with their children.

    Visit for more information on how to support and join the campaign.

    Adaptoys are accessible toys for people living with paralysis who have limited arm and hand function. They are the intellectual property of digital marketing agency 360i New York, who is crowdfunding the production of 100 Adaptoys R/C Race Cars.

    These cars will be donated to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to curing spinal cord injury by funding innovative research and improving the quality of life for people living with paralysis. To learn more about the Reeve Foundation, please visit:

    The film was created by production company tinygiant and director Charlie Mysak.