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    Sussex homeowner gets heating oil help at Christmastime

    After thieves stole £300 worth of heating oil from her property, mum of two Louise Rogers received a donation from a local company, saving Christmas for her and her family.

    Louise Rogers of Buxted, Sussex was looking at a pretty bleak Christmas after thieves stole more than £300 worth of heating oil from her storage tank in mid-December.Fortunately, a local company was kind enough to help, donating 300 litres of heating oil so that Louise and her family could keep warm during the holidays.Louise awoke on Tuesday the 18th of December to find that she'd been the victim of heating oil theft. The thieves had approached her property and made off with £300 worth of heating oil by siphoning it away from her tank overnight.Mother of two Louise was facing a miserable Christmas as she was unable to replace the stolen fuel due to the expense. When the police learnt of her predicament, they contacted several local companies before eventually arranging for a donation to be made.'It's heart-warming to think that people are still prepared to exercise their Christmas Spirit at times of need,' said's Sara Richardson, 'but unfortunately there are still a lot of people out there who will take advantage of the unprepared.''£300 is a lot of money, particularly at Christmastime, but we've seen instances where thieves have made off with four hundred, five hundred, even one thousand pounds worth of heating oil at a time. What's more, those whose oil has been stolen by thieves drilling through their tanks often have to purchase a new replacement heating oil tank too.''I'm so glad we managed to help Louise this time around, but unfortunately we can't be there for everyone, and insurance won't always cover heating oil theft. It's far safer to protect your heating oil from thieves with adequate security equipment than to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted.'For more advice on how to keep your heating oil safe, follow the oil theft prevention tips on our blog.