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    Burglars Beware: What to do if you've had a heating oil theft

    If the worst has happened and someone’s made off with your heating oil, you may well ask: ‘now what?’ – so here’s the answer.

    When it’s time to top up your heating oil tank, we know that there’s often one overriding worry on your mind: how much is it going to cost? But whilst this thought might only prey on your mind once in a while, there are some who watch the price even more closely, and sadly, they’re not always doing so for the best reasons. As the value of oil increases, sadly so do the incidences of theft. The more oil is worth, the greater lengths thieves are willing to go to in order to get their sticky fingers on your supply. It’s not just the opportunists you have to watch out for either – increased value is going to fuel these criminals to go to greater lengths to grab your grease.

    Think you’ve fallen prey to oil theft? It can be tricky to be know for sure - a good way to keep an eye on your levels is by installing a gauge, meaning you can be certain whether it’s the unjust actions of a thief you have on your hands, or the heater-happy behaviour of someone more close to home!

    If you think you’re tank has been ambushed, action needs to be taken. First...

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