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    The Stages Of Being Laid Off (GIF Edition)

    I was recently laid off from my job as my position was terminated. I went through a whirlwind of emotion, and I didn’t really feel like writing a super long blog post about every stage of grief I went through. So, for the sake of entertainment, I have decided to do it all through memes. If you have ever been laid off (or even fired) share this. I am sure everyone can relate. Enjoy

    Stage 1. You have no idea what is about to happen. You go about your day as normal.

    Stage 2: End of day. It never fails that you have an awesome breakthrough moment where you want to tell everyone tomorrow about how awesomesauce you are

    Stage 3: Manager comes to over to you as you get up to leave to go and talk to HR

    Stage 4: As you walk to HR you try to figure out whether you did something wrong enough to be fired, but mostly you think you are getting a raise because you have been KILLING it recently.

    Stage 5: HR sits you down and tells you are laid off, fired, whatever and your only possible reaction is...

    Stage 6: Trying to handle it like an adult, when you know it is total bs

    Stage 7: Trying to figure out whether to clean out your desk right then or come back and look like a total d-bag

    Stage 8: Drive home and try to figure out a way to tell your family

    Stage 9: Get home and cry

    Stage 10: Then get really angry. Because you know it isn’t your fault and you did a great job

    Stage 11: Plot your revenge in your head

    Stage 12: Come to terms with it and move on to your next adventure, because you are awesome!

    Stage 13: My own personal favorite….get a wayyyy better job

    So if you get laid off or fired, go through these stages like a normal human and move on! You are worth it.

    Share to someone who may relate <3

    And don't forget to check out my page