17 "It's Always Sunny" Cold Opens That Are Actually Genius

    "I'm gonna save my dad's life."

    1. When Dee and Dennis wanted to prove they could make it on their own.

    2. When Frank insisted on having some harmless fun.

    3. When Dennis was stubborn and persistent about being timely.

    4. And when Dennis and Mac proved they "don't get got".

    5. When they decided they would make a little effort to try for once.

    6. When Dee accused Mac and Dennis of being codependent.

    7. When Charlie wanted to prove his self worth.

    8. When Mac and Charlie went the extra mile to get fit.

    9. And when they discussed corruption in the government.

    10. When Dee showed the others she had some tricks up her sleeve.

    11. When Dennis fell deeply, madly in love.

    12. And when Dee finally got her breakout acting gig in a foreign arthouse movie.

    13. When Dee was being overdramatic as usual.

    14. When the gang made a smart investment.

    15. When they decided to mend old, wounded relationships.

    16. When Mac stepped up to the plate.

    17. And finally, when they stood their ground and had some integrity.