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    19 Times Cats Mocked Human Emotions

    Sometimes the cats are spot on when they depict human emotions through their own expressions and antics. Here are 19 spot on shots of cats acting like humans.

    1. Getting up to mischief with friends!

    2. SPIDER!!

    3. Drunk at the club

    4. Daydreaming bliss

    5. Bitch face.

    6. Angry as F**K

    7. Crazy!

    8. But Mummmmmm!

    9. O.M.G!

    10. I'm sorry

    11. Hungry!

    12. Mother's angry, let's just go to sleep.

    13. Just hug me

    14. Just don't give a F***K okay

    15. Bored.

    16. Selfie!

    17. Hangover Periods

    18. That's good juice!

    19. I love you!