This Guy Borrowed $7,000 For A Holiday. Now He's $22,000 In Debt.

    Five millennials told BuzzFeed News about their debt.

    Australians’ household debt is among the highest in the world, sitting at over 120% of GDP. We have over $1 trillion in mortgages. We borrowed $46.6 billion in personal loans in the 12 months till August. Australians also owe $45 billion in credit card debt, and more than 1 in 6 people are struggling to pay it back. Young people are more likely to be in this category.

    BuzzFeed News spoke to millennials in debt. They told us how they got there and how it affects their life.

    Joshua*, 25, went into voluntary bankruptcy for a total of $65,000 when he was 22.

    Thomas*, 28, borrowed $7,000 to go on a trip to Europe. Now he owes $22,000.

    Shae Maree Nicholson, 24, has been severely in debt since she was 18, when she took out a credit card and a personal loan.

    Robbie*, a 28-year-old government consultant living in Canberra, has a debt of around $15,000 after his last employer calculated his tax incorrectly.

    Matt*, 32, has mortgages of over 1 million dollars after he bought two properties in Brisbane.