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Tell Us The Rom-Coms That Have Aged Worse Than Milk

Sixteen Candles used to be my fave teen movie, but now...

Some romantic comedies are totally timeless.

But others...well, let's just say they haven't aged well.

Maybe you grew up watching Sixteen Candles, but now you can see how racist and problematic it is.

Or maybe you once found I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry hilarious, but you cringe while watching it now.

Maybe you now recognize Shallow Hal for the incredibly offensive abomination it is.

Rosemary and Hal holding each other

Or maybe you just find Love, Actually to be a kind of gross, misogynistic mess.

Mark holding up the "to me, you are perfect" sign

Now it's your turn! What romantic comedy do you find problematic, gross, or just straight-up bad? Let us know in the comments and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community article!