Harry Styles' Car Broke Down, So Naturally He Accidentally Ended Up Chilling At A Superfan's House

    Pretty sure Harry Styles is the only man to ever exist.

    Listen, we all know Harry Styles is a king.

    Harry singing or Spotify

    But he has truly outdone himself this time, in what might be the most Harry Styles thing ever.

    This week, Harry had the misfortune of having his car break down. A good Samaritan helped him out, allowing him into his home and making him a cup of tea.

    Now, if it were another celeb, that's where the story would end. But NO!!! As it turns out, the Samaritan was at his friend's house when he let Harry in — and the friend's daughter was a Harry stan (girl, same). However, the daughter wasn't home.

    Jesse screaming on Breaking Bad

    SO Harry WROTE HER A NOTE, saying he was sorry he missed her and would try to get her tickets to a future show...SIGNED HER ALBUM...AND FED. HER. FISH.

    IG || “Just came home and found out who was house sitting... 😶” (©️theadoraaaaaaaa)

    @OfficialWithHES / Twitter

    I just...

    I'm trying to imagine my dad or his friends hanging out with Harry Styles. I truly don't know how they'd react. I tried asking my dad, but he got confused.

    my dad asking "why, is he outside? casey would be barking

    Anyways, my thoughts and prayers go out to this poor fan, who returned home to realize SHE'D MISSED HARRY STYLES.

    TL:DR; We do not deserve Harry. Also, treat people with kindness.