Chris Pine Buying Books And Wearing A Mask Is Literally The Hottest Celeb Pic Of 2020

    BRB, taking a cold shower.

    Anyone who has seen The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement knows that Chris Pine is the best Chris.

    I don't make the rules. I simply report the facts.

    But I digress. The reason I have brought you all here today is to talk about a certain picture of Chris Pine posted by Twitter user @Rachael_Conrad that has been making the rounds on the interwebs. A picture so hot, so steamy, so utterly NC-17 that it should not be shown without a warning.

    Kris Jenner looking at her computer screen surprised on Keeping Up With The Kardashians

    Just listen to the original poster:

    @Dr_Ophelian I really should’ve given this a NSFW warning.

    Lo and behold...the photo:

    I know, it's a lot. Allow me to bring your attention to the most important parts:

    1. THE MASK!!

    a closeup of Chris's face


    a closeup of the brown paper bag of books that says "Skylight Books Los Angeles" on it


    even more of a closeup of the bag

    4. This strange squint and hand motion!!!!

    another closeup of Chris's face, he's making a strange hand gesture of taking a picture

    5. The drink he artfully balances behind the bag!!

    a closeup of a straw sticking out behind the bag

    6. The dumpster in the background!!

    the same photo, there is a dumpster behind him

    In conclusion...

    Kylie Jenner pregnant with a meme overlay of "next thing I knew, I was pregnant"

    Your move, Chris Evans.

    @ChrisEvans you have 24 hours to respond with a picture of the stack of books that you’ve been reading during quarantine. Bonus points if they were purchased from an indie store!

    I would also like to extend the challenge to any and all other Chrises. Also, wear a mask and support indie bookstores!!!