29 Cleaning Hacks That Literally Every Young Adult Should Know

    BRB, stocking up on vinegar and baking soda.

    Hi, I'm Hannah, and I'm AWFUL at cleaning!

    So I recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to share their favorite tips and tricks — and now I'm here to share the best ones with you! Buckle up and pull out the Windex: here are the cleaning hacks that everyone should know!

    1. Baking soda is good for everything...

    2. ...but especially stoves.

    3. Leave whitening toothpaste on hair dye stains you get on your sink or counter overnight to make them disappear.

    hair dye on towels and gloves

    4. Lint rollers can be used to clean not only clothing, but also couches, blinds, and lamp shades.

    5. Use a Magic Eraser to get scuffs and stains off of shoes.

    6. Use Saran Wrap on top of high-up surfaces (like the top of your refrigerator) to make them easy to clean.

    saran wrap

    7. Hydrogen peroxide removes blood stains from clothes.

    8. Pillowcases are perfect for cleaning ceiling fans.

    9. Clean rags you used to clean up pet messes with ammonia.

    a puppy sitting next to a wet spot on the couch

    10. Use a brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner instead of wiping dust off with a wet cloth.

    11. Microwave vinegar or lemon mixed with water to making cleaning your microwave easier.

    12. Let a couple drops of Dawn dish soap mixed with water sit in grease-soaked pans to get them ready to wash.

    Dawn dish soap

    13. Don't use too much laundry detergent when washing clothes.

    14. Cheap vodka can work wonders on eliminating odors.

    15. Bar Keepers Friend can make stainless steel pots and pans look brand-new.

    container of bar keepers friend cleaner and polish

    16. You don't actually need to clean everything super well...

    17. ...especially when it comes to clothing!

    18. Clean as you go.

    19. Coca-Cola can be used to clean stains on kitchen counters.

    Coca-cola bottles

    20. Use vinegar, water, and dish soap to clean windows instead of buying a window cleaner.

    21. Or if you do use a window cleaner like Windex, use it with some junk mail or newspapers to avoid streaks!

    22. Use a mixture of baking powder, vinegar, and hot water to clean a clogged drain.

    23. Vinegar can also be used to get stains and smells off Tupperware.


    24. Actually, you can use vinegar for pretty much everything...

    someone pouring vinegar in a washing machine.

    25. ...including cleaning your coffee machine.

    a woman making coffee

    26. You can also use a powder dish cleaner to clean almost anything.

    27. Baking soda and vinegar make a paste that's great for scrubbing.

    28. Be SUPER CAREFUL about mixing chemicals.

    29. And finally, if it all gets to be too much — don't be afraid to hire a cleaning service!

    Got any more cleaning tips and hacks? Let us know in the comments!

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length/clarity.