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    10 Popular United States Tourist Sights On Instagram Versus Reality

    Know before you go.

    1. INSTAGRAM: Niagara Falls (New York)

    REALITY: Niagara Falls (New York)

    2. INSTAGRAM: Waikiki Beach (Oahu, Hawaii)

    REALITY: Waikiki Beach (Oahu, Hawaii)

    3. INSTAGRAM: Times Square (New York City)

    REALITY: Times Square (New York City)

    4. INSTAGRAM: The Hollywood Sign (Los Angeles, California)

    REALITY: The Hollywood Sign (Los Angeles, California)

    5. INSTAGRAM: Old Faithful (Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming)

    REALITY: Old Faithful (Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming)

    6. INSTAGRAM: Lombard Street (San Francisco, California)

    REALITY: Lombard Street (San Francisco, California)

    7. INSTAGRAM: Historic Wall Street (New York City)

    REALITY: Historic Wall Street (New York City)

    8. INSTAGRAM: Bourbon Street (New Orleans, Louisiana)

    REALITY: Bourbon Street (New Orleans, Louisiana)

    9. INSTAGRAM: Brooklyn Bridge (New York City)

    REALITY: Brooklyn Bridge (New York City)

    10. INSTAGRAM: Pike Place Market (Seattle, Washington)

    REALITY: Pike Place Market (Seattle, Washington)