Trader Joe's Beauty Advent Calendar Is Back And People Can't Buy It Fast Enough

    It actually looks awesome.

    IMHO, advent calendars are one of the most exciting things about the holiday season. So when I heard that Trader Joe's just released their 2020 beauty advent calendar, I started paying attention. 👀

    As a Trader Joe's enthusiast, I'll admit that I spend far more time in the freezer aisle than the beauty aisle. But I've been seriously impressed by some of TJ's very affordable beauty and skincare products. (I'm looking at you, watermelon mask.)

    Here's the deal: The 12 Days of Beauty advent calendar apparently hit select shelves last week. It has a dozen products and costs $19.99.

    The TJ's beauty calendar

    The products are all sample-sized — but they include everything from hand cream, to lip balm, to a vitamin C mask.

    The contents of the Trader Joe's beauty advent calendar, which includes 12 mini sample-sized items.

    I haven't tried all of them yet, but Trader Joe's rose facial oil happens to be one of the beauty products I buy whenever I see it, so if that's any indication, I'm feeling confident about the other stuff that's included.

    And people who have already bought it seem prettyyy pumped, to say the least.

    Oh, and if beauty products aren't your thing? T.J's also has a boozy advent calendar and an advent calendar for dogs, too. Happy shopping! 🐶