29 Shocking Facts About Your Favorite Foods

    I'll never look at graham crackers the same way again.

    1. When you eat a pineapple, it's "eating" you back.

    a sliced pineapple

    2. You can taste garlic with your feet.

    cloves of garlic, next to bare feet

    3. Eating cooked tomatoes can lower your chances of developing prostate cancer.

    cooked tomatoes on a tray

    4. Some ranch dressings are dyed with a chemical compound also used in sunscreen.

    carrot in ranch dressing, next to a hand applying sunscreen to a leg

    5. Consuming too much nutmeg can make you high.

    bowl of ground nutmeg and nuts

    6. Graham crackers were invented to try and stop people from experiencing sexual urges.

    plate of graham crackers next to a glass of milk

    7. Scientists have used peanut butter to make diamonds.

    peanut butter, an arrow, then various diamonds

    8. Bananas are radioactive.

    bunch of bananas

    9. Hawaiian pizza was not actually invented in Hawaii.

    a hawaiian pizza

    10. Apples are a member of the rose family.

    Roses, next to apples

    11. Mountain Dew was originally made to be a mixer for whiskey.

    bottle of mountain dew

    12. It takes more than 300 pounds per square inch to crack open a macadamia nut shell.

    macadamia nuts with one partially cracked, revealing the nut inside

    13. Ketchup was once used as medicine.

    little container of ketchup

    14. Broccoli was invented by humans.

    various heads of broccoli

    15. Croissants are actually originally from Austria.

    tray of croissants with powdered sugar

    16. Potatoes are 80% water.

    numerous potatoes

    17. Mushrooms are more closely related to humans than plants.

    a bunch of mushrooms

    18. There are 15 billion jelly beans eaten every year.

    hands holding many jelly beans

    19. Pringles aren't really potato chips.

    Three canisters of Pringles

    20. Raw lima beans can be deadly.

    lima beans, next to a skull and crossbones to signify a substance is poisonous

    21. Chickpeas and garbanzo beans are the same thing.

    bowl of chickpeas

    22. German chocolate cake isn't from Germany.

    slice of german chocolate cake

    23. Red candies are dyed using crushed up bugs.

    a cochineal insect, next to red candies

    24. Ripe cranberries bounce.

    lots of cranberries

    25. Raw oysters are actually still alive when you eat them.

    plate of raw oysters

    26. Applesauce was the first food eaten by an American in space.

    Astronaut John Glenn, next to a cup of applesauce

    27. Cotton candy was invented by a dentist.

    hand holding cotton candy

    28. Eggplants are actually berries.


    29. Finally, seaweed is used in many dairy products.

    red seaweed, an arrow, and a gallon of multi-flavored ice cream

    Do you know an awesome food fact you'd like to share? Tell us in the comments!