People Are Revealing The Horrible Ways They Discovered Their Partner Was Cheating, And It's Such A Mess

    "I kept dreaming that he was cheating on me. I felt like the constant dreaming was a sign from the universe. He gave me his passwords and told me to check whatever. There was nothing...until I opened his archives in Facebook and found that there were four other women. He didn’t even realize that he was archiving the conversations."

    Reddit user u/Recent-Gap-9927 recently posed the question: "What was the wildest way you found out you were being cheated on?" The thread quickly filled with many jaw-dropping, stomach-churning stories. Here's what people shared:

    1. "One of her friends was a photographer and wanted to do 'tasteful nudes,' which apparently included penetration and multiple days for getting the right shot. We had a shared Google drive, which her friend didn't know we shared."


    2. "She canceled our date night on the day-of. I decided to make it a guys' night to see the new Marvel movie at the time. As we entered, I saw her sitting in the theater snuggled up with another guy. Our seats were a few rows back, and I saw them kiss a couple times. When we all left at the end of the movie, they were exiting their aisle as we walked down the stairs. She absolutely froze when she saw me. I blocked her on everything while I was in the parking lot."


    A couple watching a movie in a theater together

    3. "It’s not cheating as much as it was attempted cheating. He flew across the country and broke into the house of a woman he was cyberstalking and obsessed with because she was ignoring and blocking him, and he wanted to profess his love and devotion to her. So, he did so by breaking into her house at 3 a.m. and whispering in her ear while she was asleep. Both of us have restraining orders against him now."


    4. "I found a Pinterest board of their wedding ideas while he was paying off an engagement ring he said was for me. It wasn’t. He met her when he joined the Army months prior, and apparently, he told her it was for her."


    An engagement ring

    5. "He sent me a picture of the dog while I was away with a text that said, 'Look how cute she looks.' About three weeks later, I went back to the photo to show a friend, and upon looking at the photo again, I noticed a pair of women's boots in the background by the door."


    6. "He apparently wrote the address wrong, and the love letter he sent was returned to our home. It was a great way to come back from vacation."


    Someone writing a letter

    7. "My ex-wife and I owned a small business together. One day, I noticed a strange email address on the office computer. It was her first name and a different last name. I realized the email was still logged in, so I took a peek. I found two years worth of emails between my ex and some dude she dated before me. So, I printed out every email and had it bound in a binder ready to present to my divorce lawyer."


    8. "My fire alarm woke me up when its battery was low one day at 5 a.m. I thought it was strange that my girlfriend wasn't home yet (she had gone out drinking with her friend). I tried to call her, but she didn't answer. Then I remembered that we had the friend's spare key. She lived, like, a house over, so I went to check, and my girlfriend was sleeping in her friend's bed with some guy. If the fire alarm hadn't woken me up, I don't think I ever would've known."


    A smoke detector

    9. "I came home off a deployment, and my now ex-wife was acting really weird, but I figured it was because I had been gone for a year, and everything was just taking time to get reacquainted. About three days after I returned, I had a notice from my unit stating my vehicle had three tickets at another base (we were in Germany) a few hours away in the past few months. When I went in to find out what the deal was, all three had photos attached to them for speeding through a checkpoint. All three were of my wife and some other guy. She was kissing him in the third picture. He was driving my car."


    10. "My colleague had an elaborate wedding (cathedral ceremony, hundreds of guests) to a guy she'd been with for years. She found out shortly afterwards that he'd been cheating when they met this girl (who was his colleague and gym buddy) while walking in the park with their two French bulldogs (who were noisy and protective). They didn't bark at her at all. There was no reason for her to have met the dogs before, as she had never been to their house to her knowledge. So, she snooped on his phone while he was asleep, and apparently, he had been cheating for over a year, and she was pregnant. They were opening a business together, and he was leaving as soon as he had the whole thing set up. When the dust settled, the only thing she was angry about was the money they and her parents had spent on the wedding. He could have called the whole thing off and saved thousands."


    Two French bulldogs next to a woman

    11. "I was out at a bar with some friends when I started talking to the people next to me. They were wearing our town's local social sports club shirt, so I asked them if they knew my wife, who was in the club. They responded with, 'Yeah, I know her. I hear she is cheating on her douchebag husband.' I then replied with, 'I am her husband,' and ran out the bar crying."


    12. "My roommate left her laptop open on her desk in our gaming room/office. She blogged a lot back in the day when it seemed like almost everyone had a daily journal/WordPress page. Well, according to her blog, I was somehow involved in an open relationship with her and my boyfriend at the time. She was writing about her experiences being in an open relationship and how cool it was to have both a boyfriend and a girlfriend at the same time. That was all news to me. For more context, the three of us lived together in a three-bedroom home. I agreed to let her move into our guest bedroom just until she could get back on her feet after a rough breakup since she was a mutual friend of both me and my boyfriend. So, yeah, I found out I was being cheated on by snooping on my roommate's blog."


    A laptop on a desk

    13. "I was visiting a dying relative in the hospital, so I could not attend some stupid college party he and his roommate organized. I told him I couldn't go and asked him if he could come over later (after visiting hours in the hospital) because I knew my relative would die soon and I really just needed someone to be there with me. He said he probably wouldn't be able to, as he needed to help his roommate with party preparations, but he would come over later if they finish early. The next day, I saw pictures of him with his ex in his lap, kissing, uploaded the previous night by his roommate. The roommate even knew we were dating; he was just too drunk to realize he added me as a friend on Facebook a week earlier and I would see the pictures."


    14. "One of the guys he was trying to cheat with found me on Instagram and said, 'Hey, your boyfriend keeps hitting on me, but you’re way cuter,' and gave me his phone number. I did some digging and discovered he was on multiple dating apps; I saw the messages."


    Someone using their phone

    15. "My son. My now-ex told my 14-year-old about her and showed him her picture. Then, he asked him to keep her a secret and continued to text and call her constantly in front of him. Then, he bought her kid two $50 gift cards to an online video game at Walmart in front of my son, and texted her the pins in the parking lot. He would never do that for my son. My son told me, and I filed for divorce. My husband claims it wasn't an affair because they didn't sleep together. I say it was an affair and filed for divorce two days later. And, including my son was another form of abuse. That's his child, not his buddy. He was supposed to protect him from the ugly in the world, even if that ugly was him."


    16. "I got home from work one day and noticed my then-girlfriend had cleaned out her purse before going to work and left a couple small things on the bed. We would frequent the movies, so I thought nothing of it when I saw a ticket stub. I figured I would look a little closer out of curiosity when I discovered it was actually from the night before when she was 'out getting dinner with one of her girlfriends.' Turns out she went to see a movie (that we had plans to see that coming weekend) with her ex."


    A hand over two tickets

    17. "On my birthday, I was with my girlfriend, and I passed out early since I had a long shift that day and I had to drive two hours to get to her place. I woke up in the middle of the night, went outside to get a smoke, saw her having sex with her ex in his car in the parking lot."


    18. "I went on a two-week holiday, and when I returned, he was acting really strange. I tried to ask him what was wrong and why he was acting off. He started an argument with me, told me I was too young and insecure, asked me to leave, and said he didn’t want to see me again. I left sobbing and totally confused. Nine months later, I saw him walking through the city with his ex and a newborn baby. Ahh, then I understood."


    A baby in a stroller

    19. "She broke up with me, and as I was going though deleting her socials, I noticed a post she made on her Snap story of her and a guy that said, 'With my king.' The post was made two hours prior, and we had only broken up an hour before."


    20. "He started crying during mass and ran out. We were attending mass to become parishioners so we would be able to get married at that specific church. Mass was only another 10 minutes, so I stayed the last 10 minutes to give him time to collect himself. When I met him in the car, he told me he had been seeing someone else for the last two years of our relationship (we had been together six), and he couldn’t be in church with me without telling me because he felt guilty and wanted to be honest. I had NO IDEA he was two-timing me."


    People in a church

    21. "My 9-year-old son told me that there were strange men in the house when I was away working. She'd been at it for years. It was horrible to deal with at the time, but honestly, it's such a relief to be rid of such a toxic mess."


    22. "He was visiting me for my birthday at my college, and I picked up his phone to hand it to him, and a text popped up saying, 'How can you love her when you want to be with me?' I'm too nice, and it was my first real relationship, so I let him stay with me for the rest of the weekend, and then he broke up with me."


    A woman using her phone

    23. "He talked about cheating in his sleep."


    24. "I kept dreaming that he was cheating on me. I felt like the constant dreaming was a sign from the universe. He gave me his passwords and told me to check whatever. There was nothing...until I opened his archives in Facebook and found that there were four other women. He didn’t even realize that he was archiving the conversations."


    A woman in bed with her hands covering her face

    25. "His sister kept calling me 'Annie,' but my name is 'Andy,' short for Andrea. I corrected her a few times, but I didn't care for her at all, so after I just ignored her since I thought she was trying to be obnoxious. We only saw her once a week or so. Then, I find out after almost a year that he was cheating, only I was the mistress because he had been with ANNIE for three years and they had a child together. I still don't know if his sister was calling me Annie to laugh behind my back or to make him uncomfortable (probably both, it must have been hilarious to her). Anyway, he used to drive my car all the time, and one day, I was out running errands and came out of the store to find a woman with her toddler standing by the car. I asked her if I could help her, and she said, 'No, I'm just trying to find out what store my boyfriend is in. This is his car.'"

    "So, yeah, we both learned a lot that day. We hung out all day together, comparing stories of times he was unreachable. Then, we confronted him together. He walked into her apartment and sat down on the couch with a beer before noticing I was standing there with her in the kitchen. He said nothing, just put the beer down, got up, and left — ignoring both of us as we peppered him with questions. This was about 13 years ago, and I haven't spoken to him since. She stayed with him. She was six months pregnant the day I met her/found out about her."


    26. "I had a long day at work and went to meet my husband at a bar for one drink at closing time. He had recently put a bunch of his paintings on display there. When I arrived at the bar, he was drinking in a booth with two women, one young and one old. I walked over, took a big drink of his beer, introduced myself as his wife, and thanked them for coming to his art show. Cue looks of shock and confusion. It turned out he was on a date with his girlfriend and was meeting her mom for the first time. In hindsight, I find it hilarious, but I can’t get the look the mom gave me out of my head. It was a perfect mixture of shock and curiosity, with a little bit of disgust. She realized before I did what was going on."


    A beer on a bar

    27. "Back in the day when Facebook was the main social media, his friend made one of those posts checking a bunch of us into a location. I saw that I was tagged in the post, and so was my then-boyfriend, but his name was black/not clickable instead of a blue link. I realized then that he had made most of his social media private from me (this had been going on for months, but I never bothered to look at his Facebook profile). He then logged me into his Facebook to 'prove' that there was nothing sketchy going on, and he had deleted most of his messages with different girls, but he had NOT deleted the messages to his friends where he bragged about cheating. If you are ever in this situation, check the group chat."


    28. Finally: "Her parents told me."


    Getting cheated on is one of the worst feelings, and I'm so sorry to everyone who has experienced this. I hope you're doing much better now!!

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.