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Tell Me Something Older People Do That Young People Need To Stop Making Fun Of Them For

It's a conversation to be had!

Naturally, there can be a bit of a disconnect between generations, particularly those that are furthest apart. While there are plenty of political and social reasons for younger generations to put pressure on their elders, sometimes young people like to poke fun at older folks for things that simply don't warrant it.

For example, why is it so hard for younger members of society to accept that old people can still have healthy, active sex lives? And why are so many older women in particular demonized and made fun of for naturally aging?

Or have you ever been guilty of scoffing at an older person with brightly dyed hair, piercings, tattoos, or "trendy" clothes?

What about when you see an older person participating in trends on social media platforms like TikTok?

What's something you've noticed that young people can do freely but make fun of older people for doing? Tell us in the comments or submit anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!