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Tell Us The Creepiest Thing Your Kid Has Ever Said

I'll be sleeping with the lights on, thanks.

I was minding my own business, browsing Twitter, when I stumbled across a tweet that completely stopped me in my tracks. User @nashflynn shared this simply terrifying anecdote about an, uhhh, *observation* their son recently made.

my son has recently informed me the ‘wall people’ who ‘always have their eyes open’ don’t like us anymore. just curious if anyone is free tonight to help me move out

Twitter: @itsnashflynn

NOT something you really wanna hear your kid, or anyone, say!!!!

It reminded me of the story my mom always tells about me as a toddler in our old (and totally haunted) house. Apparently, we'd be playing in my room while home alone, and I'd suddenly freeze, point down the EMPTY hallway, wave, and say, "I see him!" My mom would look, hoping to see our dog or my dad saying hi, but there would never be anyone there. Apparently I'd just laugh and wave and insist that I "saw him." Lovely.

Now I just need to hear from you: What's the most terrifying (and seemingly unprompted) thing your kid has ever said? Whether they were revealing details from a supposed past life, or exclaiming that a shadow man watched them sleep, we want to hear your story! Tell us in the comments below or submit anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post! 👻