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What's A Red Flag That Usually Appears In A Relationship After Six Or More Months?

The honeymoon phase can be deceiving.

Though dating can be a fun and exciting process, sometimes it requires sifting through a lot of red flags. Even after you've gotten to know someone and spent a lot of time with them, some previously disguised red flags may start to pop up.

Perhaps you were in a happy and fun relationship with your partner, and at the six-month mark, you began discussing living together. What started as an exciting conversation about the future quickly turned into an argument after your partner admitted their mom was coming over every week to clean, do their laundry, and meal prep for them. They expressed excitement in finally having a partner to do all those things for them, and you quickly realized they were too immature for you.

Maybe things were going really well in your newer relationship, but your partner always insisted on staying at your place. After a few months, you felt like it was really odd, so you asked them straight-up why you couldn't go to their place. They admitted that they still lived with their ex, and though it was a two-bedroom place, things were still really tense, awkward, and emotional. Rather than set yourself up for heartbreak, you decided to walk away.

Or, perhaps you enjoyed a passionate quarantine romance with someone during lockdown, and things were great while you were in your bubble together. But, once the world began opening up and people started gathering again, your partner wanted to "make up for lost time" by constantly attending parties and raves. You felt really uncomfortable with their behavior, but they kept telling you to loosen up. After they got infected from a party and made you super sick, you realized they didn't truly respect your feelings, so you decided to end things.

What's a relationship red flag that doesn't present itself right away? How long does it usually take for it to come up? Have you ever had a personal experience with a relationship red flag or dealbreaker? Give us your thoughts in the comments or submit anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.