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Have You Ever Had A Terrible Roommate? Tell Us About Them


At one time or another, most people experience living with a roommate. Whether you shared a dorm with a college roommate, a house with adult roommates, or an apartment with a partner, you've likely accumulated some interesting stories.

Two people in a dorm room, one seated at a desk with a computer, the other on the floor with headphones and a laptop

Some roommates are actual angels who clean up after themselves, respect your stuff, and make you feel comfortable at home. Others, unfortunately, can turn your life into a waking nightmare.

Woman gesturing while talking to a friend lounging on a sofa in a living room with snacks

Perhaps your college roommate had a bad habit of leaving half-eaten food around your dorm in random spots. It would often get moldy and start to smell, and you'd be forced to throw it out and clean up behind them. They once managed to leave half a pizza under their desk before leaving for winter break. You returned to a foul-smelling room full of bugs.

Half-eaten pepperoni pizza inside an open box with visible grease stains

Maybe you lived in a house with a few people post-grad, and though two of your roommates were awesome, one was consistently a problem. They'd throw wild parties in your house without warning anyone and let all their awful friends trash your living room, eat your food, steal your booze, and snoop in your rooms. They refused to take your concerns seriously, so eventually you had to get the landlord involved. It wasn't pretty!

After-party table with scattered party hats, cups, beads, and confetti

Or perhaps you were living with your significant other, but after some pretty big disagreements and irreconcilable differences, you two decided to break up. Neither of you were financially able to break the lease or move out right away, so they started sleeping on the couch and pretending you were nothing more than roommates. It was HORRIBLE. They spent a lot of energy trying to make you jealous and brought friends and dates over to bother you. They stopped doing any household chores and kept letting supplies run out. You decided it wasn't worth the stress anymore, so you moved back home and paid to break the lease.

Man resting on a couch with his hand on his head, eyes closed, in a relaxed pose

What's your wild roommate story? Tell us in the comments or submit anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.