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What's The Most Entitled Thing You've Ever Seen A Groom Do?

Looking at you, groomzillas.

Weddings can be a very stressful time for people, particularly those getting married. There's a lot of pressure to make sure everything goes smoothly. Did the flower arrangements arrive? Are Uncle Jim and Aunt Deb sitting at different tables? Is everything going according to schedule? It can be a lot. Sometimes, this brings out the worst in people.

wedding set up outside

Brides often get a bad reputation for being difficult, demanding, or just plain entitled when it comes to their weddings. Don't get me wrong — some brides are true nightmares. It might be your "special day," but you're not the only person in the world and you have no right to scream at your makeup artist or berate the DJ. Even so, brides get a lot of heat when it comes to their wedding behavior. So, let's talk about grooms.

Grooms are certainly not exempt from entitled behavior. In fact, some behave pretty poorly and have a crappy attitude, even though they didn't have to start their day in a hair and makeup chair at 7:00 a.m.

closeup of a groom pulling on his collar

Perhaps you attended your cousin's wedding, and it was actually your first time meeting her new husband. The ceremony was lovely, and you were eager to introduce yourself during the reception. You were chatting with your cousin as she and her new husband made their rounds, and when she finally got her husband to come over, he took one look at you and said, "I don't have time to mingle with people I didn't invite," then walked away. You were shocked. Later, you noticed he and his groomsmen getting belligerently drunk in a corner, ignoring the bride, her family, and her friends. It was disgusting.

annoyed bride and groom

Or, maybe you were a +1 to a wedding where you knew no one besides your date, so you did a lot of people-watching. You noticed the groom refused to smile in any photos, which you found odd. You later saw him pull the photographer aside and yell at her because he "wasn't happy" with her work. He also cut his first dance with his new wife short because he kept stepping on her dress and was getting noticeably angry. And, during the cake cutting, despite his new wife's pleas not to ruin her makeup, he smashed cake in her face. What a jerk.

bride crying

Or, maybe you dealt with an entitled groom BEFORE his wedding day. He wanted all of his groomsmen to drop $3,000 on a Vegas bachelor party weekend and was rude and dismissive when people expressed tight finances. He told the group, "If you can't afford the $3K for the trip, you send whatever else you can afford to me for my honeymoon fund." WTF?!

groom yelling at his phone

Tell us about the most entitled groom you've ever witnessed. Share your story in the comments or submit anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.