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Teachers, What's Something You've Dealt With At Work That Made You Consider Quitting Forever?

Every week should be Teacher Appreciation Week!

It's no secret that teaching is an incredibly difficult (and sometimes thankless) job. Teachers are often expected to pay out-of-pocket for supplies, deal with demands from parents, school boards, and even the government, handle crises, manage all kinds of students, and navigate truly any situation thrown at them. It's enough to break anyone down.

frustrated teacher at her desk with piles of papers, books, and folders

With all that pressure, surely most teachers experience at least one situation that makes them consider leaving the field altogether.

teacher at their desk reading a book

Perhaps you dealt with many difficult parents in your day, but one year you almost quit altogether over the actions of one particular mom. She'd show up to the school at random and demand to spy on her 10-year-old son. She'd call and email you any time her son scored less than 95% on an assignment and demand to know why you were "flunking" him. She'd even leave threatening notes on your car if you did not answer her calls or reply to her emails quickly enough. You had to have multiple members of your administration team present for your parent-teacher conferences. Her behavior almost drove you to quit, but the family moved before the year was up.

classroom sign

Maybe you were super close to quitting after receiving no help or support from admin over a violent student who punched you during class one day. You actually left for the day after the attack and let your principal handle the aftermath. The principal removed the student from your roster, and you were able to finish out the year without any more issues.

teacher in the hallway with a clipboard

Or, perhaps an endless stream of budget cuts has you considering leaving education altogether. You're tired of paying for all your own classroom supplies and really can't afford to do this much longer. You're able to make it another year thanks to the generosity of a few families, who happened to donate a lot of supplies, but you're not sure you'll return after this upcoming school year.

person getting pens at a store

Teachers, what's a situation you've faced that has almost (or successfully) convinced you to leave the profession altogether? Tell us your story in the comments, or submit anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.