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Tell Us The Common Misconceptions About Working In The Food Industry

It takes a lot to get that food onto your plate.

Food service is a broad and bustling industry that has, in some form or another, played a role in most peoples' lives. Whether you just like going out to eat, or you're a chef at your own restaurant, you probably have a picture in your head of how the industry works.

a character as a waitress looking unhappy

Well, the average restaurant-goer probably has a much less developed understanding of the food service and restaurant industry than someone who has worked in the middle of it. This can create a lot of misconceptions about the work that goes on behind the scenes.

Guy Fieri in a restaurant kitchen

Perhaps you work two different serving jobs at restaurants you really love and you're tired of customers asking you if you're paying your way through college or if you're in between 'real' jobs. Serving is a real job and an important one, and you wish people would show more respect.

a character as a waitress

Or, maybe people always joke that your job as a chef must be 'so easy' because all you do is cook and eat. You're tired of explaining your intense hours, not to mention the time it takes to perfect new recipes, change up the menu, and keep your kitchen organized.

close up of Gordon Ramsey

Or perhaps you work at a fast-food restaurant and are sick of people stating that the work is "easy" and for "lazy people." If it was easy, more people would want to do it! You deal with rude customers all day and have burns on your arms from grease.

Anne Hathaway playing a McDonald's employee

If you work in the food industry, we want to hear more about your job! What do you do? What are some misconceptions about your job, or your work in general? Tell us in the comments, or submit anonymously using this form. The best stories will be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.