43 Restaurants That Said "Plates Are Overrated" And Got A Little Too Creative With How They Served Their Food

    Please don't serve me my dinner in a shovel. My heart can't take it.

    1. This restaurant that really killed this whole "ambience" thing:

    2. This restaurant that, I've got to hand it to them, probably saved a lot of money:

    3. This restaurant that doesn't care if people lose their appetite: 

    4. This restaurant that wanted their meringue to be magical: 

    5. This restaurant that is flaunting wealth in a ridiculous way:

    6. This restaurant that really embodies "farm to table" dining: 

    7. This restaurant that was wayyy too cool for plates:

    8. This restaurant that was inspired by Lady Gaga's meat dress: 

    9. This restaurant that maybe believes in recycling a little too much: 

    10. This restaurant that didn't have as bright of an idea as they thought: 

    11. This restaurant that doesn't want you to dine alone: 

    12. This restaurant that doesn't know where to draw the line:

    13. This restaurant that has a bone to pick with you:

    14. This restaurant that needs a dentist on standby: 

    15. This restaurant that heard you ask for a plate, but thought you meant "license plate":

    16. This restaurant that decided to be a little edgy: 

    17. This restaurant that has a creative sole: 

    18. This restaurant that simply didn't have time for anything even resembling plates:

    19. This restaurant that created some sort of broccoli tree nightmare: 

    20. This restaurant that had a not-so-eggsellent idea: 

    21. This restaurant that cared about coordinating: 

    22. This restaurant that embraces messiness: 

    23. This restaurant that did provide a plate, but with some obstacles in the way: 

    24. This restaurant that wanted you to get a little sticky:

    25. This restaurant that definitely had a cool vision, but didn't think it through all the way: 

    26. This restaurant that turned their napkins into plates:

    27. This restaurant that was feeling innovative: 

    28. This restaurant that can't stand plates:

    29. This restaurant that has amazing portions and an odd execution: 

    30. This restaurant that really deconstructed a salad: 

    31. This restaurant that's playing a dangerous game: 

    32. This restaurant that made an interesting call: 

    33. This restaurant that has beef with normal plates, apparently: 

    34. This restaurant that made a disturbing statement with their plating: 

    35. This restaurant that really doesn't care if you eat rocks: 

    36. This restaurant that really believes in elevating even the simplest of dishes: 

    37. This restaurant that is, like, so metal:

    38. This restaurant that wanted to keep people on their toes:

    39. This restaurant that probably has way crappier to-go boxes: 

    40. This restaurant that had a few holes in their plan:

    41. This restaurant that went for a picture-perfect meal:

    42. This restaurant that's all about repurposing:

    43. Finally, this restaurant that made things a little creepy:

    Shoutout to r/WeWantPlates for teaching me never to take a plate for granted ever again!!!