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People Who've Worked At McDonald's, Tell Us Some Employee Secrets

Spill all that sweet, sweet tea.

Every company has its secrets, even a chain as well-known and widespread as McDonald's. No matter how many Big Macs a customer may buy in their lifetime, they may never really know what's going on behind the counter or in the kitchen of their favorite fast food establishment.

a tray of food from mcdonalds

There are some secrets, hacks, and policies that only an insider at a company would possibly know.

Perhaps you worked behind the counter at McDonald's for a couple years and learned all about their "secret" menu items. Now, you never order off the regular menu!

Or maybe you worked in the kitchen for a few months but quit when your boss encouraged you to use moldy cheese and expired condiments on burgers.

Or perhaps you know never to stop by a McDonald's between certain hours because food gets left sitting out rather than cooked fresh.

What employee secrets have you learned from working at a McDonald's? Tell us in the comments below, or submit anonymously using this form. The most interesting responses will be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!